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Kolkata: JU campus remained on the boil on Monday as students, teachers and alumni held meetings and protested against ragging.

Students of the Arts Faculty Students’ Union (AFSU) held a general body meeting at Aurobindo Bhavan where they discussed the resignation of the dean of students for not taking any steps against ragging.
SFI member Anustup Chakraborty said: “Many first-years have left the hostel. They are afraid to come back. There is an urgent need to have a separate first-year hostel. We have also proposed restructuring of the hostel and following UGC guidelines. We want a mechanism that will end ragging from campus.”

Barsha Baral, secretary of the JU unit of All India Students’ Association (AISA), wanted the fact-finding committee to make the investigation report public within 72 hours. “The dean of students, registrar and the hostel super should be made accountable for the death,” Baral said. Jahit Khan, member of Democratic Students Front (DSF) Arts, talked tough against the students who have ‘shielded’ the accused.
In the evening, a scuffle broke out between We The Independent (WTI) and SFI over a difference of opinion over ragging. TMCP students and teachers also held a rally. The Jadavpur University Teachers Association (JUTA) held a meeting in the evening where the teachers spoke about the failure of the administration to tackle such issues.
In a press statement issued by FETSU on Monday, Aritra Mazumdar, Gaurav Das and others said they belonged to the students’ organisation ‘Collective’. They said that ‘Collective’ will not be a part of FETSU.
The JU alumni association also held a protest rally on the campus. “We voiced our deep concerns on the deteriorating safety and security on the campus,” said Prabir Choudhury, president of the association.
Presidency University and Aliah University students also protested against ragging on Monday.
Due to a gathering near Jadavpur 8B Bus stand, traffic on Raja SC Mullick Road was obstructed for hours. Cops activated necessary diversions to keep south Kolkata moving.
“In the afternoon, we diverted vehicles from Southern Park and Golpark on to Southern Avenue. Later, when action shifted to Jadavpur 8B bus stand, we diverted the bigger vehicles through Jibanananda Setu and the smaller ones via Lords crossing,” said an officer from the Southeast Traffic Guard.

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